Sunday, October 13, 2013

Comic Fiesta Countdown Day 58

Here comes "Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown" again!

This time is more Anime-ish style.
Gosh, I'll never stick to one style... orz
But I'll draw this style from now on.
At least for a period of time.

I'm so glad that I have this golden opportunity to grab a slot.
And of course I enjoyed lots drawing this.  
(It's freaking hard to get it despite having 270 slots orz)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Gaemgyu or Gamegyu you choose.
But he is still the Gamer.

Great thanks to
This link really helped me alot in this piece.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Maison Food Project 06 - Living Wall Design Part 2

Thanks for bearing the wall of text up till this progress! (Even tho you skipped it heheh )
I'll be sure to reduce the texts here.

So unexpectedly, Design #4 is chosen!
Which is the TREE themed design.
Yes, the least I've unexpected to be.

He wants a tree, but not with that design. 
He decided a quote for me. 
"A society grows great when old men plants trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."

Upon seeing my tree design, he said it does have connection with his quote coincidentally, 
thus he choose that design. 

Thanks to his quote, at least I have the main idea now so I could focus on improvising my design to meet his demands.
This was my 1st sketch. 
But he wants more curvy branches and more thinner branches to look elegant.

Le Explanation of Design above:
The idea is based on your quote... As you can see there's people piling up at the bottom (actually they are supporting each another, pushing upwards) They serve as the root who supports the future society.
The great tree is the outcome of the people below (portrayed as fellow "old men" in the quote) It grew so big and great to support the future. It's a good tree, thus it bared good fruit. Big and small ones. And there's people on top of the tree too. The future society. 

In a night, I came out with another few designs again.
Mainly about different tree's shape since the great tree is the main visual point.

The 1st sketch is chosen.
Not because of the heart shape (as I thought so), he just want curvy branches so that it somehow matches with the menu's curvy borders too.

This is the final outcome of my refined sketch.
It will be produced in sticker form, and spreads across two walls.

He liked the design but unfortunately, the project is canceled due to proposal rejection. :[
So yea, kinda sad but I'll be sure to join if there're more projects in future.

Spoiler: There're might be comic projects coming up! 

Maison Food Project 06 - Living Wall Design Part 1

Remember I did mention about designing the restaurant's Living Wall.
Yeps, here is the progresses folks! ^^

My client requested the design to be Vintage, Elegant and Meaningful.
Here's his simple sketch about his rough idea. 
But he wants curtains at the back of the steel panels.
The photo frames at the front is to display artworks presented by INIT. 

After some thoughts... I gave myself a quote to focus my design on it. 
"Art is the window to man's soul" by Claudia Lady Bird Johnson

After some time of brainstorming and researches, I came out with some sketches.
Most of my sketches consists of a window for the curtains.
On the curtains, there'll be scenes of city scenery silhouette and different seasons to control the whole restaurant's ambient. 

The explanation is as follows. 
Pardon me for the wall of text u.u 

1. The Apartment.
The cables works as beams and the panels as windows (to fit in the quote too)
(since this design is produced before we confirm about the curtain idea thingy)
The roof and brick wall is designed to look vintage. 
and if people DO notice it... It does looks like an illusion of Maison Food's logo, with the chimney with smoke there.
Yes, I wrote in the M intentionally though Is not that obvious.
And the roof is designed to look like a "ren" shape, similar to Maison's logo too.
I designed the apartment to look flat and short to have an illusion of a shorter wall.
The black patch below is bushes and there's a painter with the quote. 
So means the painter is actually painting the apartment while saying the quote.  
*But since curtains are not used in this design, hence this choice is ignored

2.  Window
A simple vintage window with wooden motives above (if possible to make) and of course, curtains come into use here.
There's a pair of utensils, fork and spoon which symbolize a restaurant. (And again Maison's Logo has it haha)
In the middle above the window (the empty circle),a simple round small light (ref: can be placed there to have some dim light shine onto the artworks and curtains.
Below there's also a wooden plank, where the bird(can be replaced with other animals) perched on it saying the quote.
If the best, a brick wall outline wallpaper (link: *replace the white spaces with gray color* . I believe it'll look brilliant to enchance the vintage and cozy-homey ambient. 
You can easily replace the flower pot with a real plant.

3. House + Window combo
Quite similar to design #2. 
This is a combination of a house's roof( with "ren" shape) and window.
And with M symbol there too. (Can be changed)
The curtains will be hung behind the photo frames. Different city scenery or seasons designs will be changed consistently.
The animal and quote idea is similar to design #2.

4. Tree
This was an impulse sketch.
Curtains is possible to use here too. Quite unique for a tree to have window in the middle?

5. Bookshelf + Window Combo
I think this is more suitable for a lounge cafe bar.
But it can look nice too with a simple light (similar to ref link above in #2) and with wooden arc above.
Curtains placed behind the photo frames.
Brick books are placed on the shelf below. 

6. Kitchen Shelf + Window
The shelf is made of wooden planks all four sides. 
Utensils, plates, bottles are placed above a wooden plank to have homey, restaurant & kitchen feel.
Small simple light can be placed above the shelf for soft light.
Brick books are placed below the shelf (optional since Chi said is dangerous for coconut heads to knock onto it.)
Curtains are placed behind the photo frames. Scenery can be changed.
Quote is placed below.

7. Electric Post 
Simple design with two electric post with a window effect in the center.
The cable acts as electric panels. With birds perching on it with the quote.
Scenery can be changed to have different feel.

Curious about which design is chosen?
Please continue to read Part 2 of this project!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Maison Food Project 05 - Photo Menu

Continues from my previous freelance Maison Food project....
This is the photo menu.

Looking delicious right? 
And again I shall mention here
Do visit Maison Food at Lintas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah! (haha)

I'm shocked to know how even food pictures need to be taken professionally after my client send me a "Behind the Scene" pic.

In a studio with full lighting... Really?? 
Just see that. Wow.

I'm glad my client is satisfied with the outcome. 
I hope to do more business with him. 
I'll be brainstorming a wall design of the restaurant.
So I hope it'll be done soonest to share up here.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Warming Up

My last minute practice before my interview tomorrow.
I realized my skills kinda rusted after almost 4 months of not using Maya. 

No ears yet up to this stage... OTL